Indoor Netting for Commercial Sports Training Facilities

Wednesday, October 28th, 2015

Indoor Netting for Commercial Sports Training Facilities

During the autumn and winter seasons, many parts of the country rely on indoor training facilities for their sports practices and workouts.  Some popular indoor facilities that supplies with netting concentrate on multisport training opportunities including golf, soccer, volleyball, baseball, softball, lacrosse, floor hockey, football, and basketball.

Generally speaking, using barrier netting throughout the indoor area is pretty important for a successful and safe commercial sports training environment.  Netting protects athletes and spectators from moving balls and equipment, and the netting also is used to protect structural elements of the building itself including lighting, entrances/windows, ventilation infrastructure, and finished walls or construction.  Depending on the sizes of the objects that need to be contained or blocked, the netting that gets installed within these areas can be fabricated from a few different mesh sizes – and in a few different ways of being prepared.

For instance, say a baseball and softball training facility wants to use barrier netting to protect their lights, and also around the turf area of their practice field.  In that case, a 1-3/4″ knotted nylon netting is the way to go.  If that same facility says that they will also be doing soccer drills, well the netting should stay at the same mesh size because it will still need to block the baseballs – but will naturally work great for larger objects like soccer balls.
However – if that facility is also planning on offering training areas for golf, well then the mesh size needs to get down to a 3/4″ so that the golf balls are properly contained.  And then, since that 3/4″ mesh works great for the golf balls it will naturally function well for the larger baseballs, softballs, and soccer balls.  The best tip regarding mesh size is to determine what the smallest object is that needs to be contained – and then utilize that mesh for the area.  Many indoor facilities actually use a combination of different mesh sizes for various areas of their overall space – since its possible that the golf is only being done in one particular section, whereas the soccer and baseball/softball are concentrated in other areas.  The takeaway is that every facility is different and has its own unique set of parameters and owner preferences, but the netting itself can certainly be prepared to size and per order by and then shipped right out.

Aside from determining which netting twine thickness and mesh size will be best suited for the job, there is also the design of the netting itself.  In this context the design is referring to how the mesh is created and prepared – and the choices are typically between a series of individual 2-dimensional netting panels or an overall larger 3-dimensional enclosure that covers a large area.  We at are unable to specifically advise which approach to go with, since it really is determined by the building, the installer/contractor, and the intended design of the space.  Many times the most optimal approach selected is a series of individual nets, which is a great way to go and is very intuitive.  Gourock produces the nets to whatever particular 2 dimensions needed, and you can view dozens of examples of these nets through this blog and on the site.  For many other facilities the more preferred approach is to have a customized enclosure net produced that will cover the whole area with netting, including all 4 sides and the top ceiling.

For these 2 recent examples of commercial training facility nets that were manufactured and shipped out over the last few weeks show a couple general examples of each approach.  Through Gourock you can have nets made from 100% USA Made Nylon Netting and the finest hand-craftsmanship, shipped direct to your location.  Once you have a relative idea of the netting that you’re after, certainly feel free to send over a message with your request or information right through our online contact page and we can get working on the netting solution for you.

Example 1
netting details: #15 X 3/4″ twisted-knotted nylon + #21 X 3/4″ twisted-knotted nylon
custom features: enclosure design with expanded sizing/volume, center-ceiling lines installed, rope bordering, secondary layer of impact/reinforcement netting
intended use: golf training facility

Example 2
netting details: #36 X 1-3/4″ twisted-knotted nylon
custom features: enclosure design with custom entrance doors, ceiling netting panel with center-ceiling lines installed, perimeter netting with rope bordering
intended use: baseball/softball and multisport training facility (soccer, lacrosse, volleyball)

-Josh Grzyb @

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