Customer-Provided Photos of Backyard Netting Installation and Sport Netting Project
At we specialize in supplying netting and custom nets for all types of customers and clients. Sometimes we’re shipping large volumes of netting to commercial or industrial clients, municipal locations, organizational customers, or military and government facilities. Other times a custom netting order is being produced and shipped for schools, training facilities, or agricultural netting clients. And in many instances, we’re supplying custom nets and netting products for private homeowners, residential customers, and unique individual netting users. Netting is a product that is widely applied for a huge array of different projects and uses, and is a perfect solution for a seemingly endless list of applications and situations.
Directly though our site we conveniently offer netting and nets that you can order online, according to any particular sizing needs you have. We offer a great selection of netting twine thickness, mesh sizes, and production features that allow you direct access to very high quality custom nets and netting products – prepared to your own specific sizing requirements. For many of our private residential customers, nets that are constructed to specific dimensions are very preferred to work with due to their unique areas of installation, and possible sizing constraints they need to take into account. Also – Gourock’s selection of different mesh sizes and twine thicknesses are very helpful for our customers doing backyard netting projects, since there are various types of balls, objects, sports, or containment needs that they need to specifically deal with.
Here are a couple of photos sent our way from a customer of ours that needed netting for a couple of different needs in their home backyard. Their backyard includes an elevated basketball hoop and court area, in which they required basketball containment nets to keep errant balls and shots from leaving their property and flying into their neighbor’s lawns. They installed some fencing posts behind the basketball hoop and also on both sides of the hoop as well – and then opted to use our 4″ mesh size twisted-knotted nylon netting (with a 5/16″ polyester rope bordered edge) to suspend between the series of posts. This is a popular approach for basketball containment nets, and works really well to achieve the purpose of ball blockage.

In addition to the basketball hoop containment netting, our customer also decided that they wanted to construct their own custom volleyball net within the main backyard area. They had set a couple of steel fencing posts on the far left and right edges of the yard, and then needed a specialty net fabricated to match their specific span. In this case they ordered a 1-3/4″ square mesh knotted nylon net, with a 5/16″ perimeter rope bordered edge, and had it built so that they could pull it tightly between the posts. As you can see from the included photo, both the basketball netting and the volleyball netting projects turned our really well – with a great overall appearance as well as fantastic function.

Many thanks again to all of our custom netting customers and clients! We appreciate your business very much, and it is our pleasure to be your trusted and dependable custom netting supplier!
– Josh Grzyb @ Gourock Netting